I dont want to appear like were taking credit for someone elses idea.On further news, the new December prints are out, and the Black Friday Sale is still going on for 2 more days! That includes all posters that arent part of the December loadout and the Shirt, they will be gone by the 8th of this month!Comment ¬ Cancel reply NAME - Get a Gravatar EMAIL Website URL Discussion (166) ¬Anonymous Septemat 09:43 | #| ReplyThe tranny version of this really stiffens my cock Anonymous Jat 08:01 | #| ReplyA little bit to much ass Anonymous Jat 03:38 | #| Replyhot Anonymous Februat 14:40 | #| ReplyDem rickets doe. All Risks Reserved!shadbaseGalleryShagbaseAboutVideosCommissionForumShopFirstin categoryPreviousArchiveRandom166CommentsNextin categoryLatestFirstin categoryPreviousArchiveRandom166CommentsNextin categoryLatest Zero Suit Midnaby Shädmanon February 16, 2015at 00:01PinupsMidna trying to get into Smash Bros as a playable character, by any means necessary!TheCon did the sketch and I did the rest.Also this idea has been done before by Cicada-Media, however its purely coincidental that TheCon sketched it.